My kiddo has had a cough for about two days and it’s been tough. I think it’s a bad one, because it sounds like Croup and there’s RSV going around the city and his preschool currently. Scary stuff. He doesn’t get sick often, so I feel like it’s a learning curve for all of us every time he does. He’s four, so he also does not sit still. Ever. He “hates resting”, his words.

My mind and body are beyond exhausted. I can’t remember the last time I showered. I don’t think I ate lunch today! The mental load is overwhelming and constant. Is he running a fever? Have I given enough fluids? Does he need more vitamins? So many questions, so many worries.

Mostly on my mind now, though, is how much I miss his naps! He decided (the little punk) the week he turned two that he was finished napping. Believe me I tried to get him to continue naps, nothing I tried worked. He honestly didn’t struggle without them so I just let it go. It wasn’t the biggest deal, he’s an easy going kiddo. So he hasn’t napped regularly in over two years, but today, by some miracle I tricked him into a nap!

And boy have I missed them! The down time to myself, the quiet house… It feels so unusual! I just thought I’d write my thoughts down because good grief mamas are tired! It made me realize just how exhausted I am and I normally don’t even have the time to notice. We’re like Energizer bunnies, but with three clean laundry baskets to fold, a full sink of dirty dishes to wash, and someone yelling “wipe my bum” constantly.

I don’t know how moms do it because there isn’t enough coffee in the world for this kinda tired. Keep up the amazing, priceless work you superhero moms and dads!

By Published On: November 21st, 2022Categories: ParentingTags: , , ,