It is that time again! Self Care is very important, and this time of year can be hard for everyone. Some people dealing with the loss of loved ones. Which in itself is heartbreaking and hard. People being busy trying to buy gifts, busy trying to plan trips, busy, busy, busy! The time changed and the days are shorter, the weather is cooler, the times seems to fly by! This can cause sadness, depression, anxiety and so much more. I really want you to work on your self this week. Even if it is 5 or 10 minutes!
Be kind to yourself and love who you are!

Self Care Day 1: Let’s start simple…Take time for yourself today and enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot cocoa. Let the warmth warm your hands and go to your heart! Take care of you because you are special ❤

Self Care Day 2: Today I want you to wrap up in a cozy blanket. Read a book, have some hot cocoa, watch a show or just snuggle in and enjoy some me time!

Self Care Day 3: listen to some Christmas music! Music has a way to reach your soul!

Self Care Day 4. Showers and baths can give you time alone and time to think. After your shower cozy up in slippers or socks, a sweater or robe.

Self Care Day 5. Last one of the week. Watch a movie that will make you feel good! Some suggestions: On Netflix: Leo, which has Adam Sandler as the main characters voice. Family Switch, is super cute and fun. Then, on Amazon, the movie Candy Lane! All really great feel good movies!

By Published On: December 4th, 2023Categories: Health and WellnessTags: , , ,