OOTW! Vanilla Essential Oil!

Vanilla is another calming oil. See a pattern there? I love calming oils 🙂

I know not everyone likes the smell of Vanilla but I love it! I like to diffuse it with a few different oils in the diffuser.

Peppermint and Vanilla makes me think of Christmas time! Orange and Vanilla make me think back to my childhood eating Orange Creamsicle bars! I still love those Ice-cream bars! Just drop a few drops of each into your diffuser.

Vanilla is a great oil to mix into a roller. Use as a perfume by adding about 10 drops into a roller and then fill the rest up with fractionated coconut carrier oil. Roll on wrists, neck and behind the ears. I love to add peppermint in this roller as well.

By Published On: May 24th, 2023Categories: Health and WellnessTags: , , ,