Our OOTW is Orange!

Orange is another uplifting essential oil! To me it is a happy oil! I love the smell of oranges!

Orange is great to diffuse throughout your home to help neutralize odors. It is also known to remove sticky adhesives and residues from non-porous surfaces like lemon does.

Combine 8–10 drops of orange essential oil with distilled water or witch hazel in a small glass spray bottle and spritz over linens to freshen them.

Some people like to add a few drops of orange to their face cream/lotion to reduce the appearance of blemishes and make skin look smoother.

*Be cautious when using this oil in the sun. It is less photosensitive than other oils.

How do you like to use Orange Essential Oil?

By Published On: May 17th, 2023Categories: Health and WellnessTags: , , ,